Thursday, January 8, 2015

The beauty of MUSIC.

Don't you just love how songs/music can trigger memories?

The instant a tune comes on, it's like our brain time travels to either the first time we ever heard the song or the night we had the song on repeat as we sang along at the top of our lungs. Sometimes for me, songs don't necessarily take me back to just a specific day, but more so a flash back to the entire season in which that song was a personal favorite (or even most hated song), the most played on the radio or my own battle cry.

I think back on all the Lord has done in my life often. We're called to 'remember the days of old'. If ever frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed or even over joyed, at complete peace and in anticipation, I find myself reflecting. I then can't help to praise Him with such gratitude.


I wanted to write a blog in light of my recent marriage. I thought I'd have plenty to share as a newlywed, you know: the adjustments, the lessons learned, the blessings and adventures. However, I could not exactly get together an outline for what I should write about.

A couple of days later, Calvin and I found ourselves visiting my in-laws days before Thanksgiving Day. It was then, in their peaceful living room, that it dawned on me what I should write about. See, husband had a huge paper due for his masters class the night before Thanksgiving and as he was researching and typing away, I sat in that cozy living, sipping mama-in-love's famous hot cider, reading scripture, praying, then ending with time in worship.

[Worship means a great deal to me. Whether corporately worshipping or individually, with a Pandora station, Spotify, my guitar, a full band or A capella. Worship is a beautiful thing one should embrace daily. (Alright, alright, getting off the soap box..) Anyhow, isn't it great when Pandora or Spotify radio plays all your favorite jams back to back? It's even greater when you're in a state of worship.]

To begin, The Stand by Hillsong United came on the Pandora station I was listening to as I wrapped up my scripture reading that morning. Anyone remember that one? Most people only recognize it by the bridge: 'So I'll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all..' It's over 5 years old, and still so good. What an athem! As soon as this one came on, I was immediately brought back to my first couple years as a believer. My first church, first youth group, first 'Christian' friends and first mission trip; that entire season raced back through my mind. The memory of begin on my first Mexico Mission Trip back in '04 worshipping to this song while outside a few yards from our house building project became so vivid. I then began verbally thanking God for that first mission trip experience, my first home church, and the beginning stages of my walk with him. What a beautiful time, the first time you begin falling head over heels in love with God. Or as some refer to, experiencing that 'first love' season. As the first song was ending, highly anticipated the next, I took another sip of my hot cider and exhaled a, 'Thank you, God.'

That's when a Jesus Culture song title Rooftops started playing. I smiled. I am a Kim Walker fan. Some can do without her 'edgy, deep singing', however, the way she embraces worship motivates me and reminds me of the beauty of God's overwhelming presence when exalting His name. I'm all for that. Rooftops may not be as popular to some. Most know the 'How He Loves' version of Kim Walker, if anything. This song in specific reminded me of a milestone, I guess I could call it that, in my walk with Christ. Some would define it as a 'rededication'. See I didn't really know of Jesus Culture (it's a worship band based out of Redding, CA) or Kim Walker, or any other big worship bands/artists until after my sophomore year in college. At that time, my 'milestone', was letting go of a sinful lifestyle, idols and surrendering wholly to all God was calling me to. The most freeing experience of my life! With a heart renewed and fully surrendered to Christ, I began chasing after Him like never before. It was in this season that I learned so much & experienced so much more in my walk with God. All the while, listening to, learning to play/sing and leading others in worship to songs such as this one.

[The next song that came on spoke VOLUMES to me, as it speaks to my current season. But first, a quick background story.]

As Calvin and I navigated through all the 'new' of being married. (So far we are 5 months in! So far, SO GOOD!) You know, learning to adjust to the new permanent roommate, new daily schedules, new weekly routines, etc. We were slowly but surely getting the hang of living in our duplex, continuing to work as a team and serving one another as we also served the body of Christ. I worked full time as Calvin finished school. 2 months into our adjusting, God presented us with an opportunity. A big opportunity where everything would change. I wouldn't work, Calvin would. We wouldn't live in the same small town, we'd live in the city. We would be away from our immediate community of believers, we'd be closer to family. We prayed, we sought counsel and we knew that despite the big changes at hand, this was exactly where God was leading us.

Through out this season, God allowed one song to penetrate my heart like never before. Sure, we all can sing through most hymns with our eyes closed, however, this song in specific, wasn't just a hymn, but a rendition of a hymn. The first time I heard it was around the time we were presented with the opportunity that would bring lots of change. I wept. Songs and music also have a way, as many often say, to 'speak what cannot be expressed'. I had this song on repeat, A LOT. It was and still is my battle cry. (We are 2 weeks into this 'new' season. All is well and we continue to be confirmed in our calling to be here.) I knew that this was exactly what God had for us. (Even though change for me was hard, goodbyes are really hard and tears upon tears were shed.) However, I felt like more than ever I was being challenged to trust, to let go, and to proclaim that God is faithful and through it all I will serve Him, look to Him and live for Him.

My husband is now the lead pastor of a small church in the city. I am now a house wife and a proud puppy owner. (He got me a puppy before we moved, as a Christmas present!) I get to help Calvin in whatever way is needed with the church and our members are so encouraging. We are so excited about what God will do through this church!

I will be starting a NEW blog with insight on how we are doing, how the church is doing and ways you all can be praying for us. I will post again soon with a direct link to the new blog. Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing in the various seasons God has led me through. I hope you will, too, take a moment to remember, to praise Him and to trust Him with what is ahead.


Crystal Williams


  1. Enjoyed the read. Thats one of my favorite songs as well. Love you both!

  2. Thanks, Aunt Tammy! Love you, too! :)

  3. LOVE this. Music is a very special form of art that touches our soul very deeply. You have a wonderful writing style!
