Saturday, March 9, 2013


(noun- training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mind or moral character.

Not always my favorite. The word discipline in today's age has become uncomfortable for some of us to even address. Discipline hurts. Discipline reveals to us we are not perfect and need a little while longer under the refiner's fire than we thought.

Hebrews 12:11
"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."

Daisy, the precious dog in the picture from my previous blog, needs discipline like I need discipline. Weird analogy, maybe. But God is always speaking in various forms. Don't limit His voice to only being present in His Scriptures. God CAN and will use anything to speak to us! He spoke through a donkey once. For real.

Daisy is an indoor dog and is potty trained. She waits until we take her outside to take care of business. However, lately she has been going "potty" INSIDE!! Drives us nuts. It happened recently again and when I first spotted the mess, I yelled out, "DAISY!" I looked up and see her sitting on our kitchen mat, tail tucked under her legs, ears down and her eyes said it all. She knew better. After my 3rd "NO!", she began shaking. Shaking in fear. Daisy knows better and she also is aware of the consequences to this mistake. Now, don't think we are horrible dog owners or that we abuse our dog, we don't. I mean just look at her she is too cute! Daisy was punished for her action. She paid the consequence of disobeying. Afterwards, she slowly followed behind me as I walked around the house. She did the same as I would after getting a spanking, cry to mama or daddy. Though Daisy was disciplined, she followed me and still desired to be around me because she knows I love her, provide for her and care for her. I don't like disciplining her but I still love her. Nothing will change that. I couldn't help but still pay attention to her following behind me and give in to bending down and loving on her. Discipline is important and necessary but in the same way, God still pays attention to me and loves on me. He still desires to show me right from wrong. 

God spoke to me in that moment and brought back to my attention my sin, my mistakes and my short comings. I am admitting to you all now that when I give in to the sin that can so easily entangle me, I desire nothing more than to be back in the safe arms of my Father. I know clearly the wrong I have done, I am aware there are consequences and that God can not be mocked but even then I can not stand to be away from my provider, my care taker and my true love. I once heard someone say, "If we truly understood the Gospel, our sin wouldn't keep us from the cross, but all the more draw us to it." God has unconditional love for us. Nothing can separate us. Now, please understand that I agree 100% with Paul when he is speaking to the church in the book of Romans about not continuing in sin because we know grace will abound. If you have read that passage before, I encourage you to read The Message version also, it paints a good picture. 

So what do we do? Keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving? I should hope not! 
If we’ve left the country where sin is sovereign, how can we still live in our old house there? Or didn't you realize we packed up and left there for good? That is what happened in baptism. When we went under the water, we left the old country of sin behind; when we came up out of the water, we entered into the new country of grace—a new life in a new land!

We all have discipline to go through, lessons to learn. When God is showing me the parts of me that could use some refining, it's not always fun. However, I know He disciplines because He loves. This temporary suffering or discipline doesn't compare to an eternity with my Creator. If you've done wrong, ask for forgiveness, let it go and cling to Jesus. Get so wrapped up in Him that you don't even desire anything else...

Are you being corrected? Molded? Perfected?
Open up your heart and let God do what He does best. 

Crystal Lee.

1 comment:

  1. I love the skit guys. I remember when they came to summer camp and Jana and I loved them as well. This is a lesson to us all. That's why its so important to live by the spirit rather than law. When we are given a new life and cling to all of God and his treasures we began to transform and will not desire the world.
